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Enjoy Raja Ampat Sea Nature with scuba diving

Raja Ampat is home to millions of marine species and over 70 of the worlds known coral species. When diving in this inconceivable position you're frequently girdled by seminaries of fish of different shapes and sizes. 

At times it can be inviting especially on dive spots like Blue Magic or Cape Kri, where the stronger currents and deep reef drop- offs attract seminaries of fish that putatively just float in the currents off the reef. 

While there's a innumerous number of fish girding you, it might be bogarting to try and identify all. We've put together a companion on what and where to anticipate in this diving paradise. 

Most frequently when starting your descent on a dive you'll be girdled by Fusilier. These small blue and unheroic pelagic fish are generally set up in the shallower corridor of the reef where they feed on plankton. 

On occasion, you might also spot large groups of Red Toothed triggerfish zipping to the face before their pictorial blue shapes vanish into the deeper waters again. frequently you can indeed spot their blue shapes and turbulent water from their movements from the face. Like the Fusilier, they substantially feed on plankton and Krill close to the face of the water. 

Enjoy Raja Ampat Sea Nature with scuba diving

Juvenile Longfin Batfish has also been seen in lower groups near to the face and frequently these curious groups of fish will follow a group of divers from the descent to their accentuation. 

 While Raja Ampat is an inconceivable destination for divers it's also possible for snorkellers to get a taste of these emotional seminaries of fish. The original docks that are set up near popular dive spots are home to the most emotional snorkelling imaginable

Enjoy Raja Ampat Sea Nature with scuba diving

 These spots are applicable for indeed freshman snorkellers and the shallow reefs under the docks are home to large seminaries of Rabbitfish, Batfish, Butterflyfish and Angelfish. 

 While the shallow waters of Raja Ampat are home to numerous seminaries of fish. 

 The deeper waters are also home to numerous intriguing sightings. 

Enjoy Raja Ampat Sea Nature with scuba diving

In stronger currents most frequently just off the reef pitch or in defiles between reefs Dogtooth Barracudas gather in large groups and putatively just hang into the forthcoming currents. 

These opportunistic nimrods have set up the currents bring easy prey to them. These groups of tiger can be intimidating when you spot their tasty smiles but make for inconceivable photos. 

 Along with the tiger that make the deeper waters their home numerous game fish can be spotted in large groups. Giant Trevally, Yellowfin Tuna, and Snappers just to name a many. While these are truly inconceivable seminaries of fish to see it's important for divers to keep safety in mind when they hope to see these gamefish. 

As a common rule of thumb, the stronger the currents in Raja Ampat are the further fish life you're likely to see. While diving in these currents isn't dangerous when diving with trained professionals the rules of safe diving should always be followed. And safety should noway be ignored for the sake of possible sightings. 

 Of the seminaries of fish that are set up in Raja Ampat the most intriguing are the large seminaries of Grouper and Giant Sweetlips that can be set up in the deeper waters. Both species of fish grow to exceptionally large sizes with Giant Sweetlips reaching lengths of 1m and Groupers have been known to grow much larger indeed. 

Both species favour the deeper waters where they use gemstone and reef structures for protection from currents and Apex bloodsuckers that also patrol the reef system. It's an emotional sight to behold when you swim over a gemstone conformation just to see a group of 20 Giant sweetlips casually swimming below. 

Enjoy Raja Ampat Sea Nature with scuba diving

With the inconceivable marine diversity and dive spots that feed to all situations of divers, Raja Ampat is a must- visit destination for all those who want to be truly girdled by the aquatic world.

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